Sound business and accounting practices are the cornerstone of our capabilities. Depending on your needs, at AJ Robbins CPA LLC, we apply those skills through a variety of services that result in fair and accurate presentation of your financial position and results.
For example, we offer three levels of financial reporting:
Compilation involves a critical reading of a company’s financial statements and results in an unaudited report based on the information provided. As an adjunct to the above services we also perform loan covenant compliance procedures for banks and internal audits for selected clients.
A review provides a more extensive examination of a company’s financial statements than a compilation, including its history, and an analytical examination of the financial statements within its industry.
An audit involves the most thorough examination, including statistical sampling, record testing, internal and external confirmation of data and analysis of accounting and management controls. We regularly perform reviews and audits for clients reporting to the Securities & Exchange Commission, as well as for companies needing reports for private financial matters.